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Showing posts from October, 2024

Zeaman Labs | The Changed Definition of Aphantasia

Beyond Deficits: Unlocking the Uniqueness of Our Mental Perception When aphantasia was coined ten years ago, it specifically referred to the absence of mental visual imagery—or “mind blindness.” This definition was widely accepted and understood by researchers and the general public alike. But in 2022, new studies identified the absence of other mental senses, such as inner sound or inner voice. By 2024, the scientific community began lumping all these sensory deficits into the umbrella term “aphantasia,” creating confusing subcategories like global, deep, total, and multisensory aphantasia. While these terms sound precise, they are actually ambiguous and unhelpful. They fail to distinguish between nuanced mental experiences, leaving people frustrated and confused. For example: What’s the difference between global and total aphantasia? Both imply multiple missing senses, but the terms offer no clear distinction. Is multisensory aphantasia distinct from deep aphantasia, or do both simp

A Terrain Theory

We are as part of this planetary body as my cells are of mine. And as they all have immune systems, so does earth, its human immune system is autoimmune attacking self because of the toxic tech and information spread vi-r-us that has altered our health and behaviour and has us serving its needs not those of the body. Terrain theory in action. Why we steward this planetary body, why we are intelligent and adaptive, why animals come to us in times of need, why we feel we have purpose here and even why we expect aliens. Terrain Theory in Action Terrain theory asserts that health, whether individual or planetary, depends on the internal environment's balance. Disease arises not from a single external invader but from disruptions within the system. Earth, like any living organism, maintains an internal terrain that must be kept in balance. Humans play the role of its immune system—our intelligence and adaptability are part of Earth’s natural defense mechanisms. However, the system has b