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Showing posts from February, 2022


Come here Go away Fearful avoidance Penetrates  

Romantic Dysfunction

Conditioning has a powerful swing Over time, repetition will change everything Most noticeable of all, is how it changes love For going so long being hurt and untouched Fantasy relationships and imaginary figures Replace the missing conditions of carnal triggers But when reality finally comes bowling back in Terrified or repulsed, everything melts within Counter-conditioning is the only solution But it takes two, in order to find resolution


Believe only in the power of belief itself.


Life is a dreamlike state. We're not quite awake, yet. Life, keeps us living dreams. Nothing is what it seems to be.


Life is like a sine wave, without ups and downs, you're flatlining.

Devils Advocate

This left handed devil is not misaligned The righteous aren't thinking In their right mind But, the devil's tongue I doth, do, have And that is what will drive you mad  Mwah-ha-ha-ha!

Mind Blind

The one percent are we Whose minds that cannot see Some of what we know Is from an internal radio show For a TV screen we lack, the show is all but black Our thinking is through intuition Though some may call that superstition And connected to this unusual quirk Is the fact we can be such forgetful jerks It's not that we don't value the info It’s that it’s stored differently Not to go into the lingo If you want us to remember a thing Repetition is key, to get it to sink in So don’t feel hurt by how our memory works Forgetting things is all we know Partly because We can’t re-watch the show 

Aphantic Ignorance

Intuition was taught little, it walks the line of time There is nothing I know, but things come and go It is different when you have a black mind Your intellect is vast, cost a lot more to grasp You be could what I’m trying to find But neither can know, where we must grow That is something that comes with time So please, don't stress or pout when pointing flaws out For learning is not a crime You don’t know what I know, to tell me I don’t I will see when we don't resonate in kind


God made me his wife With the help of man Gifted the creation of life So today I can't stand Twinned to the moon The cleansing initiated It's a special kind of life Once a month debilitated Lunacy is at hand This bath has saved me For being God's wife Blood sacrifice restrains me


These horoscopes are jokes Mathematical ropes Drawing you in to the dull and the dim But epigenetics isn't so funny Something right there is bang on the money Because ethereal are we Of the shoals from the sea The realm we claim Is not quite the same As the one that we Inhabit

The Hatter

I know what's good for me I know what's bad I am drawn to those things That make us all mad I like a conundrum If fearful when challenged I trust fun, folly and chaos The rest? M ade invalid I know what I want in life I know what I don't I know that in order to live There has to be both Trouble they call me Should be my middle name If you get to know me Neither will be the same.

The Fox

Wild eyed, teeth bared Anyone else might be scared Hemmed in with thunderbolts If I get bit It's my own fault I can see where it hurts I want to make the pain divert Bonds get formed and life's made care-free I will love them forever But they may never love me Unconcerned Is my emotion I do it for me, a ll that commotion


Rarity will not flower everywhere. Fragility fills its complex illusions. To capture it, handle with care.


Fearless warriors Reckless and battle-scarred Would risk it all To fight for love


A wild mind meanders the cryptic landscape Searching for purpose, for passion, for sin Running feral, craving ever-changing horizons Creating a personal melody within Before a sudden crash of minds A duet in time A fiery encounter, swelling with power Exciting, igniting, exhilarating, frightening


People can call it weak To see a heart on a sleeve But George St-Pierre knows Armour is for the meek People can call it evil To state the strong feeble But reverse psychology blankets Protects them from panic People can call it a mistake To chase love away But we move at our own peril Because love, it invites the devil


You are missing something It is not me I am not willing nor able To set you free Mysterious strangers can't be compared To a long lost love affair

Said Rabbit

Magic is the word when we don't understand the trick When you are as gifted as the magician You can't be fooled Magic is real Be magic Don't be fooled

Trinity Consubstantial

In the beginning there was mind Which split into space and time Creating matter and energy For which there was great potential For you, me and everything II In the beginning there was Nothing Then Nothing realized it was Something After that, Everything began.


Great white lion, carved upon the hill How long will you stand there cold and still Never once you move a head or tail But to catch one's eye, y ou never fail

Shithouse Poets

  “Shit house poets when they die, shall find erected in the sky, in memory of their sordid wit, a monument built from solid shit."

Writer's Block

There once was a guy I’ll call ‘ Dirty Den ’ Who used women for entertainment To inspire his pen Stringing them along with riddles feigning interest Never wanting to confess it's all inconsiderate Had wanted to know if there'd be another date But the reaction gave me a lot to contemplate Clairvoyance and lithromance aren't really my thing And neither is bickering and arguing Whatever these feelings brewing were It's safe to say the caution has been heard And now I know enough to state I don't think I would have really wanted that date