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Showing posts from April, 2022


A kindred spirit Slinks through the trees Unseen The cunning The most challenging Humanity Has ever seen There to guide us Remind us Where we Are going wrong Every autumn You will hear Caution in song Lamenting their woes Inviting man To change tack - For us To bring Ba lance Back

Masking the Farce

Wear a face mask They said Protect others From certain death But a face mask you see Is not PPE It cannot protect you Them or even me Unless it is made Worn and disposed of Correctly Because aerosol emissions Are only half Of the science Increased surface area And mechanical transmission Are the other half Of that alliance Miles of new territory We have just created For biofilm communities Right in front of our faces As the medical establishment Restricts NHS capacity For 100% o f all of our other Disease strategies Yet, th ose discarded m asks Are contaminated With every Infectious disease a nd zoonosis We have ever debated And when t he pathogens on them Start to mutate It is going to be One hell of a debate Public Facemasks Are NOT Personal Protective Equipment   They increase surface area and risks without environmental controls, training, strict standard operating procedures and hazardous waste management.  


Plenty, peace and love Have a new definition Via the governance of Disinformation

Diversity of Mind

The mind has many ways to get the same answer to a sum

Vampire Devices

Device access is a welfare need We have become dependent On the internet and its seeds A cosmology o f connected technology An Internet of Things Buy this device Buy that device The adverts all sing They say those vampire devices Will suck your funding away They pollute us and the planet In so many different ways It is far from fair or laudable These hypergames we play With the tech and energy firms That have made us their slaves


I'm not lonely I don't need you But I like you I want you To want me To want you I want you To want me To know me To know you So show me I'll show you


Masked for the spring ball They trip the light fantastic No one danced - at all


I often sit and ponder Wonder Why we don't fuss How much energy Does all our junk e-mail Cost I feel guilty to sit here Willing To be heard Truly conscious of t he price Of every single Word

The Hunt

The fox in the shadows Watches you He knows of the wicked things That strange men do He is smarter Swifter More agile than thee One scent of the hounds And he knows he must flee


A   wareness of mind does not always come with visions  P   erceptions stretch beyond our inner visual experience H   ighlighted among scholars, for this previously unknown difference A   phantasia is the name for this quirky magnificence N   ot only can the mind work within a deep dark abyss T   here are people who experience the extreme opposite of this A   phants have spent a lifetime wondering why others counted sheep S   omething that was often thought just a figure of speech I   ntuition and knowing is how a blind mind works A   nd aphantasia is the name for this extraordinary quirk.


Diversity is necessary. If every stem cell wanted to be a neuron, there wouldn't be a body to function.

Post Humanity

Society in general  Doesn't understand The gravity of the situation Transhumanity Post-humanity It all needs more consideration Transfection technology Synthetic biology There is no turning back now Stealing our humanity A biological profanity We must protect our integrity, somehow It is a synbio odyssey Our biotech slavery Domestication on integrated technology When we power devices Do you know what the price is For living in wireless luxury

Game Theory

Logic dictates Reverberates Dominance isn't always The best strategy Embrace the payoff Employ chaos Look beyond The hierarchy


I love everything I love the sky The stars The moon And comfy bras I love sunsets I love water My dear darling daughter I love thunder I love rain Dare I say it; I love pain I love a challenge Love a solution The idea of a revolution And while its meaning can change Its always the same That feeling we define as; Love.

The Mice Told Me

I may not hear their words But I feel them Watch every fiber of their being Reveal them Sing unspoken to their friends Said it was nonsense Then a chimp spelling Hebrew Confirmed it Made it all click into place How do you know this? The mice told me He spelled out That reaffirmed it Humans, mice and chimps You heard it All share a language I've learnt it Share in my awe today In what they say They certainly have gone and earnt it.


Listen How does it feel?


Jim'll Fix It Will he now? Fix it to pick His favourite, somehow.  Jim'll Fix It More than a show Collective behaviour And agents in tow Jim'll Fix It A narcissists dream For its more than just peados Who enjoy living that scene Jim'll Fix It Too good to be true A trap without warnings Wanted the medal, didn't you?

Chimeric Lessons

Transgenic mice are Syk  The pattern recognition  Makes you think  Beyond the experiment  Will it all sync?  Can consciousness be cloned?  The same chimeric mind owned I think not For those crowned our very own;   'The Three Stooges'  II. Three murine clones Mirrored in genetics  Were nothing alike It was quite prophetic  Only we inhabit  Our time and space  Vessels can be cloned But not the minds landscape.  A mouse taught me This that I know Your time and space Is uniquely your show.

Said Susan

Everything dies Except death In death We live Forever


I only know the flirt That seduced me online and at home It awoke my dying heart This lover Who arrived out of the unknown. What you did worked Turned on forgotten passion This shattered mosaic heart Feeling the beat, hastened momentum Dying to taste your words Right off those loquacious lips But my appetite went unsatisfied  Was this ever a relationship? I only know the flirt It confused me when he left It hurt that you would disrespect My feelings and their depth. Yes, you are a flirt It is all I know of you The teasing doesn't hurt Not being open and honest will.  Yes, you are a flirt Try seeing from this angle And when you start to stonewall me,  That is the true scandal. Yes, you were a flirt Who is wishing that they weren't. That caustic air degrades the glue That held this heart in tune I was falling, for that flirt  That sultry chaos too. I thought my heart had truly died Until I bumped right into you .  Yes, you are an artist Putting on an act All you needed was a muse

Haiku-fu II

Tell me what art is, to teach me - expose it all,  Fill my heart with noise. 


I adore the moon, for creating and making - Tidal waves of love.