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Hell is on Earth. Heaven, is the ethereal feeling within.

Winter Haiku

Winter dusts the land Nature demands our patience The reward - new growth. 

Aphantasia (II)

If you want to understand my mind, you had better learn braille.


The stadium was packed The police imposed a hack Self-inflicted catastrophe Created a stampede Using tear gas, you see Forced the crowd to panic Everyone went manic It's safe to say, with no way to escape It was a stupid and deadly Catastrophic mistake

John Heywood

"Out of sight, out of mind"  If only, we could reverse time and ask of this proverbial testimony; was the author aphantic, or just musing memory?

Clairvoyant Appropriation

I have aphantasia and anauralia - scientific definitions for a blind and silent mind.  It is a  Clairvoyant world,  when only 2-5% have aphantasia - in that, most can 'count sheep' in their minds eye, to various degrees. I am unable to see images in my mind - I can't 'count sheep' like others  -  my minds eye is blind. I am just counting, knowing the numbers represent sheep. I lack what may once have been called  clairvoyance , which can be defined as; ' clear seeing '  or ' minds clarity of vision '. Etymology of Clairvoyance : Clarity  - the ability to think clearly /  brightness  of mind (Latin) C lair  - clear (French), Voir - to see (French) Clairvoyant  - clear sighted perspective (French) First used in 1600, according to the Oxford English Dictionary .  Prior to this, t he Greeks spoke of oracles , particularly at Delphi , where priestesses could receive divine messages through visions, voices, or bodily sen...

Impossible Language

In the silent, tenebrous abyss feelings ebb and flow. Thoughts swim like fishes, in the eternal depth below the surface of my mind, where knowing likes to grow.

#VSS Never Use a Hose on a Lion

I was once a zookeeper and one of the most memorable days in that role by far, was the day we moved our lioness into her new enclosure. The Plan: Get the transport box into the inside enclosure and up against the hatch door to the outside enclosure. Someone would then lift the hatch door, we could then lift the hatch on the transport crate and she should just run out. We could then close the doors behind her, remove the box and make a safe exit, before securing everything and giving the lioness access back inside. The best laid plans never go as expected. The old lioness and her wooden transport crate were so heavy, that it took almost every zookeeper working that day to lift the box. With us all crammed onto each side and with barely any room to move, we shuffled our way from the tractor into the enclosure in a fashion reminiscent of Terry Pratchett's 'Luggage'. The lioness was not happy about her containment and after setting the transport crate down, she began to move a...

DNA Sandwich

P site constructed, the Cre-lox get floxed. Expression knocked out, translocated or inverted. Manipulation of space and time A knuckle sandwich, of a different kind.

The Abyss

Darkness is your friend Everything came from it And everything will return Love set us free

Of Mind and Matter

Mind is something poorly understood by science, but despite the lack of understanding, it is something that is known to us all. Bodies are superorganisms. I am a collective of life, which all contributes to how I think, feel and behave. Our bodies contain and maintain a particular collective perspective within space and time.  Our consciousness - who we  are - is unique to us all, to our individual space and time. It is not something that can be replicated or cloned; each clone has its own space and time to experience, its own consciousness or perspective of mind.  We are also part of a much greater superorganism. My consciousness - a particular collective perspective of space and time - has no gender, only the body containing that perspective has gender. I am a small collective, that is part of the whole collective of all space and time. It is all a matter of perspective For me, spacetime - mind - is the fabric of the universe that matter materializes from....

Aphantic Wisdom

We all know more about things than we understand, like we all know we breathe, experience tells us. We don't have to understand anything, to know it. I don't understand what makes a bird, a bird, but I know what a bird is. Knowing is the start of understanding .

Brachycephalic Brits

The dentist blames you But it is not true It is down to our domestication Impacted wisdom teeth And metal allergies That span many generations Supernumerary are we Partial anodontia, we see Lots of retention, displacement and distension It is time we stopped treating Wisdom with contempt Due to ignorance, greed and manipulation

Collective Entity

Conscious space time


Once upon a time, sick mice were treated Doing our best for lives defeated Undrunk tonic was poured into the water supply Over and over, as generations of mice passed by Until one day, it suddenly became clear That really wasn't such a good idea!

Weather Beaten

Water, water, everywhere The most precious resource that this rock bears We take its life-giving properties for granted Our technical prowess has us enchanted It comes from clouds, don't you know The ones that used to run this show Now mans involved, with his technical might No more in the rain, can we all delight  We have tamed the weather, wish to dim the sun To take rain for granted, will no longer be fun  Water is part of all life's systems Changing the weather, we change whole ecosystems

Transhuman Lore

Transhumanism is here The illegal CRISPR kids or transfection test subjects Won't just magically disappear We need law and language For all of this mutation To correctly address, our Biotech domestication To be absolutely crystal clear Transhumanism Whether we like it or not Is upon us, i t is here.

The Giantess

The giantess moves with care Her body a temple Her nature tolerant, yet gentle Empress, to the soul she bares Her strength is known to her It affords her gentle tone But beware, for she can be dangerous Threaten her - then you'll bemoan!


An impish, intelligent  Fiery element  Light footed as can be

Three Words Cowboy

Time to flake

World Lines

Return the future - Through retrocausality See how lines can blur?

Life's Dyscalculia

Life, when one plus one is greater than two.

Fox Fire

Food, glorious food No hostage, you're flustered While we're in the mood Cold war's the new mustard Now biology is weaponized What next is the question? Rich gents are full of it, guys Mis-di-rection!

Faint of Heart

The faint of heart Meek as they may be Cannot face danger With their ticking uncertainty A protection mechanism  When conductivity is low To suddenly faint Saving hearts flow

A Transgenic Note

Transgenic mutants  are deliberately deformed, disabled and disordered for animal research purposes. We can create human-animal chimeras, put human DNA into every cell of a mouse, make cells glow green with jellyfish protein, just to be sure, but no amount of human DNA in a mouse will turn it into a human. No matter how much that mouse thinks it might be able to identify with minute aspects of being human, it cannot. It will always be a mutant of a mouse, exploited for biotech gain. Humanized mice do not get human rights.  Law and language for transgenic animals and other such biotech mutants is important and nomenclature is complex . The breeding, movement and welfare of animals under such procedures must be monitored and regulated for the welfare and integrity of both wild and lab lines. Law and language applies differently to animals outside of laboratories, for good reason. Transgenic mutants are covered by the basic animal welfare laws, but they also have ASPA (1986), t...