Update Feb 2025: There is now a dedicated space for this type of discussion off of my poetry blog and over over at: mentalimageryresistance.co.uk
Hopefully this clarified advocacy paper makes more sense to people than my ramblings here: Locating Unifying Language: Multiple Intelligences, Mental Sensory Perception, and Mental Imagery.
For the Record: I am no authority on this matter. I am an independent researcher and advocate for more clarity in the language and definitions used in mental imagery research. Raising awareness of the need for more research into what those with multisensory aphantasia possess.
Dysikonesia, Aphantasia and a Sophisma
Uncovering a Key to the Minds Mental Mixing Deck
- Vision - Clairvoyance, clarity of thought in vision.
- Sound - Clairaudience, clarity of thought in sound.
- Smell - Clairalience clarity of thought in smell.
- Taste - Clairgustance, clarity of thought in taste.
- Touch - Clairtangency, clarity of thought in physical sensation or touch.
- Emotions- Clairsentience, clarity of thought in feelings or emotion.
- Knowing - Claircognizance, clarity of instant cognition (insight, instinct and intuition).
- Voice - The Daimon - A clarity of the verbalisation of thoughts and feelings.
The term 'mental imagery' denotes all the imaginary senses, including; 'visual imagery', 'auditory imagery', 'olfactory imagery' etc. This is an established scientific concept and while it is a little confusing, it is the term for the collective imaginary senses.
- Aphantasia (absent/conceptual sense)
- Hypophantasia (lower than average or weak sense)
- Phantasia (median or average sense)
- Hyperphantasia (above average or strong sense)
Sound/Ear: Auditory Imagery - Yedaaudience
- Anauralia (absent/conceptual sense)
- Hypoauralia (lower than average or weak sense)
- Auralia (median or average sense)
- Hyperauralia (above average or strong sense)
Smell/Nose: Olfactory Imagery - Yedaalience
To know the sense of olfactory imagery, e.g. being able to imagine the smell of perfume.
- Aphantosmia (absent/conceptual sense)
- Hypophantosmia (lower than average or weak sense)
- Phantosmia (median or average sense)
- Hyperphantosmia (above average or strong sense)
Taste/Tongue: Gustatory Imagery -Yedagustance
To know the sense of gustatory imagery, e.g. being able to imagine the taste of wine.
- Aphantogeusia (absent/conceptual sense)
- Hypophantogeusia (lower than average or weak sense)
- Phantogeusia (median or average sense)
- Hyperphantogeusia (above average or strong sense)
Touch/Skin: Tactile Imagery -Yedatangency
- Apsychosomatosensation (absent/conceptual sense)
- Hypopsychosomatosensation (lower than average or weak sense)
- Psychosomatosensation (median or average sense)
- Hyperpsychosomatosensation (above average or strong sense)
Emotion/Heart: Emotional Imagery -Yedasentience
To know the sense of emotional imagery, e.g. being able to imagine the feeling of emotions.
- Alexithymia (absent/conceptual sense)
- Apathy (lower than average or weak sense)
- Empathy (median or average sense)
- Hyperempathy (above average or strong sense)
Intuition/Gut: Intuitive Imagery - Yedacognizance
- Ametacognition (absent/conceptual sense)
- Hypometacognition (lower than average or weak sense)
- Metacognition (median or average sense)
- Hypermetacognition (above average or strong sense)
Voice/Voicebox: Intraphonic Imagery - Yedaphonation
To know the sense of intraphonic imagery, e.g. being able to hear your inner voice.
- Anendophasia (absent/conceptual sense - updated June 2024 for new definition. Originally listed in this key as intraphonation and its variants)
- Hypoendophasia (lower than average or weak sense)
- Endophasia (median or average sense)
- Hyperendophasia (above average or strong sense)
- Yedachronoception - To know the sense of time?
- Yedaspatial - To know the sense of space and scale (spatial awareness)?
- Yedathermoception - To know the sense of temperature?
- Yedanociception - To know the sense of pain?
- Yedaproprioception - To know a sense of the body and its state (body awareness)?
- Yedavis - To know the sense of forces and vibration?
- Yedamacci - To know the sense of fun and humour?
- Yedaipsi - To know the sense of self, identity and being (self awareness)?
- Yedaagentia - To know the sense of freedom and agency?
- Yedaloci - To know the sense of direction, place and home?
- Yedapericuli - To know the sense of danger and disaster (survival sense)?
- Yedaunitas - To know the sense of community, connection and belonging?
- Yedamelodia - To know the sense of rhythm, melody and music?
- Yedasensus - To know the sense of being seen and perceived?
- Yedavita - To know the sense of perceiving creation, nature and life?
- Yedacuriositas - To know the sense of curiosity?
- Yedacreare - To know the sense of creativity (artistic sense)?
- Yedacordia - To know the sense of compassion and care?
- Yedacoriolis - To know the sense of earth and its rotation (sense of season)?
- Yedaultraterra - To know the sense of objects beyond earth (e.g. lunar sense)?
- Yedadeus - To know the sense of god, divinity, spirituality or mysticism?
- Yedanumerus - To know the sense of number and quantity (number sense)?
- Yedacaverna - To know the sense of dimension, boundaries and mathematical space?
- Yedanecessitas - To know the sense of urgency, need and compulsion?
- Yedaprioritas - To know the sense of importance, priority and rank?
- Yedalibidnous - To know the sense of sexual desire and attraction?
- Yedabellitas - To know the sense of beauty, perfection, totality and completion?
- Yedalinguia - To know the sense of communication and transmission of language?
- Yedapropositas - To know the sense of achievement, meaning and purpose?
- Yedaveritas - To know the sense of reality?
- Yedacausalis - To know the sense of strategy, logic and consequences (sense of causality)?
- Yedaion - To know the sense of transformation and ion exchange (chemical sense)?
Note: Green text denotes hyperlinks to studies. Orange text denotes words related to psychic abilities. Crimson text denotes invented language. Blue text denotes existing scientifically-defined language.
The idea of combining the words is cool. Also did you make this https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm914tdDX4T/ on your insta or is that from another artist? It's really fire and I wanna hear more so if u got a spotify link or something let me know. Also what kind of weird brain stuff do u have. You sound autistic but also like 300 IQ. You remind me of the guy that coded Holy C. Super smart but also super crazy. If you are crazy just know I'm a normal person, not some lizard cia agent or whatever so don't try and come after me. I really just liked the beat u posted and that's why I'm commenting here. I can't even pronounce half the words u typed tbh.