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A Marriage of Science & Mysticism

Dysikonesia, Aphantasia and a Sophisma: Uncovering a Key to the Minds Mental Mixing Deck.

It occurred to me one day, that taken for their literal meaning only, the psychic concepts of the Seven Clair's and the Daimon, provide handy language framework for all the main mental senses. Clairvoyance, literally means 'clear seeing' or the 'foreseeing light of mind' - the minds vision. This understanding was a very helpful key for me in pondering the differences between people with regards to mental perceptions in the absence of defined language, even if it was not suitable for long-term use. 

Explaining Mental Perception with The Seven Clair's and The Daimon:

  • Vision - Clairvoyance, clarity of thought in vision. 
  • Sound - Clairaudience, clarity of thought in sound.
  • Smell - Clairalience clarity of thought in smell.
  • Taste - Clairgustance, clarity of thought in taste.
  • Touch - Clairtangency, clarity of thought in physical sensation or touch.
  • Emotions- Clairsentience, clarity of thought in feelings or emotion
  • Knowing - Claircognizance, clarity of instant cognition (insight, instinct and intuition).
  • Voice The Daimon - A clarity of the verbalisation of thoughts and feelings.

'Total' Aphantasia and a Sophisma:

The reason why language was needed is because it is lacking. 'Total aphant' is a term used in the aphantasia community but total of what, I am not sure?
1) Does it mean lacking vision and other mental senses that are not vision? Are we only including the 5 physical senses in that and not the other mental senses? If not, why not? What if you lack one or more but not all, are you 'total aphant'? If not, what are you? What is the lack or excess of other senses called? What about those who have mental vision but lack all other mental senses, are they aphantic? 2) Is 'total aphant' 100% no vision? The word aphantasia literally means 'without mental vision', so is it used to define those with aphantasia from those with low mental vision? Why are we calling low visualizers 'aphant', we call high visualizers 'hyperphant', so why not 'hypophant' (low mental vision)? I have aphantasia (no mental vision), with SDAM (Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory) and I am missing many other mental senses beyond vision. With this key I can list all 8 of them with ease, but most importantly, it details what I have.

The term 'total aphantasia' is not useful to describe my experience, the key below, is.

Marrying Science and Mysticism and Finding Appropriate Language:

I discovered the other day that 'yeda' is the scientific word for 'to know', derived from the established psychology term Yedasentience, used to describe the knowing feeling mind. It is perfect for use in this key and it already means what I need it to, even if the current term is inclusive of knowing and feeling. 

The Journal of Social Theoretical Psychology"As it turns out, the actual term “yedasentience” is a combination of the Hebrew word for knowledge or to know (yeda) and the Latin word for feel (sentire)". 

Researchers of abnormal psychology define yedasentience as; "A subjective feeling of knowing. An intuitive signal that you have thought enough, cleaned enough, or in other ways done what you should do to prevent chaos and danger.” 

And according to the interpretation by Reqtest; "Unsurprisingly, researchers have linked poorly developed yedasentience in humans with obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is typically characterised by repetitive behaviour fuelled by a sense of ‘unfinishedness’.

𝐃𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚 is the scientific definition for a lack of collective mental senses (8 main senses are known, not all are scientifically defined).

"Dysikonesia... [is when] weak or absent imagery occurs across multiple senses."

I will be using this word as the heading to denote all mental senses, in the interim of science getting the topic pinned (this word and its need is still debated within scientific communities).

The term 'mental imagery' denotes all the imaginary senses, including; 'visual imagery', 'auditory imagery', 'olfactory imagery' etc. This is an established scientific concept and while it is a little confusing, it is the term for the collective imaginary senses.

A Temporary Key to Mental Perception:

Vision/Eye: Visual Imagery - Yedavoyance
To know the sense of mental imagery, e.g. being able to imagine the vision of an apple.
  • Aphantasia (absent/conceptual sense)
  • Hypophantasia (lower than average or weak sense)
  • Phantasia (median or average sense)
  • Hyperphantasia (above average or strong sense)

Auditory Imagery - Yedaaudience
To know the sense of auditory imagery, e.g. being able to imagine the sound of your mothers voice.
  • Anauralia (absent/conceptual sense)
  • Hyperauralia (lower than average or weak sense)
  • Auralia (median or average sense)
  • Hyperauralia (above average or strong sense)

Olfactory Imagery - Yedaalience
To know the sense of olfactory imagery, e.g. being able to imagine the smell of perfume.
  • Aphantosmia (absent/conceptual sense)
  • Hypophantosmia (lower than average or weak sense)
  • Phantosmia (median or average sense)
  • Hyperphantosmia (above average or strong sense)

Gustatory Imagery -Yedagustance
To know the sense of gustatory imagery, e.g. being able to imagine the taste of wine.
  • Aphantogeusia (absent/conceptual sense)
  • Hypophantogeusia (lower than average or weak sense)
  • Phantogeusia (median or average sense)
  • Hyperphantogeusia (above average or strong sense)

Tactile Imagery -Yedatangency
To know the sense of tactile imagery, e.g. being able to imagine the sense of being touched.
  • Apsychosomatosensation (absent/conceptual sense)
  • Hypopsychosomatosensation (lower than average or weak sense)
  • Psychosomatosensation (median or average sense)
  • Hyperpsychosomatosensation (above average or strong sense)

Emotional Imagery -Yedasentience
To know the sense of emotional imagery, e.g. being able to imagine the feeling of emotions.
  • Alexithymia (absent/conceptual sense)
  • Apathy (lower than average or weak sense)
  • Empathy (median or average sense)
  • Hyperempathy (above average or strong sense)

Intuitive Imagery - Yedacognizance
To know the sense of intuition and instant cognition, e.g. "ah-ha" moments, when you "just know".
  • Ametacognition (absent/conceptual sense)
  • Hypometacognition (lower than average or weak sense)
  • Metacognition (median or average sense)
  • Hypermetacognition (above average or strong sense)

Intraphonic Imagery - Yedaphonation
To know the sense of intraphonic imagery, e.g. being able to hear your inner voice.
  • Anendophasia (absent/conceptual sense - updated June 2024 for new definition. Originally listed in this key as intraphonation and its variants)
  • Hypoendophasia (lower than average or weak sense)
  • Endophasia (median or average sense)
  • Hyperendophasia (above average or strong sense)

Seems like the logical conclusion that, if you have some sense (low, median or strong), it can be conditioned to be inhibited or enhanced, but if you lack any ability, there is nothing to condition. Senses lost, reduced or increased through illness or injury, may potentially heal.

I think it is safe to now assume that we all have different combinations for the mental senses - 1,020 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝟒 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐬, just for the 8 main mental senses listed, let alone the variation of strength and all the other possible senses.

Click the image below for an interactive link:

Key updated for the newly defined scientific term 'anendophansia' in June 2024, view that, here.

To use the key, what are you for the 8? Do you have a conceptual sense, a low sense, an average sense or a strong sense?

Could we also have; to create language and bring the potential total of mental senses up to 42?

Is the above how 'the meaning of life, the universe and everything' is perceived?

Note: Green text denotes hyperlinks to studies. Orange text denotes words related to psychic abilities. Crimson text denotes invented language. Blue text denotes existing scientifically-defined language.

If you are wondering why I made this key, it wasn't an intent, it started with a poem about aphantasia, and grew from there. I have no inner sound at all, but a very strong inner monologue, so I know the voice and ear are different systems. This key exists because aphantasia opened the door to my ignorance and it's not enough to name the lack of 2 senses for me. It doesn't explain all the things I experience, the key does a better job.


  1. The idea of combining the words is cool. Also did you make this on your insta or is that from another artist? It's really fire and I wanna hear more so if u got a spotify link or something let me know. Also what kind of weird brain stuff do u have. You sound autistic but also like 300 IQ. You remind me of the guy that coded Holy C. Super smart but also super crazy. If you are crazy just know I'm a normal person, not some lizard cia agent or whatever so don't try and come after me. I really just liked the beat u posted and that's why I'm commenting here. I can't even pronounce half the words u typed tbh.

  2. The more they dig, the more the key makes sense.

    It appears the study is not about mental vision (aphantasia) but motor imagery aka mental touch (apshycosomatosensation).

    So, who does and doesn't feel mental touch?
    And are you visually minded or not?

  3. Have You Experienced A Time Slip?

    "When I was a Masters ­student in ­Liverpool in 1996, I deliberately walked the long way into the city ­centre from university every day.

    It wasn’t superstition or ­paranoia. It was because I longed to experience the infamous Bold Street Time Slip. A handful of people claim to have been strolling down this gently sloping thoroughfare only to be suddenly transported back to the 1950s.

    The Tarmac beneath their feet becomes cobbles, trainers and jeans are replaced with period clothing and the shop fronts become antiquated.

    This is one of the most notorious time slip legends, not least because so many people claim to have experienced it.

    But as the extraordinary ­letters from Mail readers show, time slips can seemingly ­happen anywhere and at any time. After reader Jeanette Kelly wrote in some weeks ago describing a time slip that she had experienced decades earlier, when a suburban London street suddenly morphed into an expanse of forest, the paper was inundated with readers sharing their own all-too-­similar experiences.

    So what is really going on when, in the blink of an eye, you find you’re no longer in the same decade, or even the same century? As a psychologist ­specialising in the paranormal — and someone who has spent more than three decades studying the subject — I have a few theories which might help decode the spooky stories detailed across these pages.

    The archetypal time slip is when an individual perceives that they have ‘slipped’ into a different time period — ­essentially like involuntary time travel...

    My second theory is that time slips are caused by cognitive errors such as confirmation bias. In other words, when the brain convinces itself of whatever it wants to believe...

    Finally, time slips might be explained by electromagnetic fields. Research from Canadian academics shows that such energy fields can produce ­hallucinations by toying with signals in the brain.

    Bold Street in Liverpool ­happens to be right above the centre of the city’s underground rail network. Perhaps the electronic signals from the railway are inducing hallucinations in the people walking above it?

    ...Some say humanity is nowhere close to truly understanding the secrets of the universe, the power of the mind or the nature of our existence.

    And what’s more, I’m sure no rational explanation will ever suffice for someone who’s experienced the terrifying sensation of slipping backwards in time."

    Yedachronoception and Yedavoyance working together based on some unknown external information specific to the area?


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